These aren't really a problem, though I'd certainly use -f on the
stream at a minimim (or you could use -t, doesn't really make a
difference).  All the above says is that the expected PTS doesn't
match what was actualy found (actual on the left, expected on the
right).  A new frame is inserted whenever actual-expected >
0.8*ptsIncrement (this is regardless of what options are used)

If you specify neither -f nor -t, then nothing will be done about the
above (the PTS will be exactly the same as the original (minus the
fixed offset)).  Most standalone players will ignore the discrepency,
and will play at a fixed 29.997 fps anyway.  If you specify either -f
or -t, the pts will be set to the expected value.  The only thing -t
(--no3to2) brings to the table is to remove any telecine flags, and
remove all half-frames (this is just a flag, no data is removed),
which will result in inserting an additional frame every ~6 frames
during telecine sections).

So, essentially this is just a message saying that the PTS doesn't match what's expected based on the fps interval? In order to play it "correctly," the player would have to present the frame in mid-otherframe if I'm understanding correctly.

The interesting message would be 'Buiding P-frame' (which is actually
an I-frame, but whatever) telling you a new frame was being inserted.

$ grep -i Building log.txt
Building P-Frame: 15
Building P-Frame: 12
Building P-Frame: 9
Building P-Frame: 6
Building P-Frame: 15
... blah blah... got 22 of them

In your stream, the delta is varying, so this is just a not very clean
stream.  but the largest delta I see is ~17.  this is
17/90000=0.18ms, you aren't going to notice any lipsync issues with
that small of an offset.

In the next version, I'll push that message up to a higher debug
level.  It isn't very useful except when something goes wrong.

        This was at no debug, but I agree.  If it's mostly harmless, then
just another case of too much info being bad... :) FWIW, around some of the actual "Building" lines, I've got some much more serious jumps:
PTS discrepency: 1077926 != 1077915 on B-Type (10)
PTS discrepency: 1080942 != 1080918 on P-Type (11)
PTS discrepency: 1083932 != 1083921 on B-Type (12)
PTS discrepency: 1099504 != 1086924 on B-Type (13)
PTS discrepency: 1102564 != 1089927 on P-Type (14)
Building P-Frame: 15
PTS discrepency: 1105624 != 1107945 on B-Type (0)
PTS discrepency: 1108684 != 1110948 on B-Type (1)
PTS discrepency: 1111746 != 1113951 on I-Type (2)
PTS discrepency: 1114843 != 1116954 on B-Type (3)
PTS discrepency: 1117864 != 1119957 on B-Type (4)



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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