>     I was seeing this last night too, running r7972.  I ended up with 20 
> or so live-tv recordings that were still there this morning.  I exited 

If you watched them for more than 1 minute, they should still be there.

>     On the last program I was watching, I hit R to have myth record the 
> whole thing and then exited livetv.  The recording stopped when I left 
> livetv, but it was moved to the default program group.  That's something 
> else altogether though.

I believe that 'R' in LiveTV just toggles whether a recording will be saved
(by moving it out of the LiveTV group into the default recording group), I
don't think it says "record the rest of this program" anymore).

> > Long LiveTV recordings (ie, > 1 minute long) will expire the same as normal
> > programs but htey have their autoexpire field set to 10000 which causes
> > LiveTV recordings to expire before normal recordings.
> >   
>     So what defines their lifetime?  Is the autoexpire of "long" livetv 
> files scheduled differently than short files?  I'm just curious, I can 
> look it up in the source if you don't want to answer that.

They expire just like normal recordings, so their lifetime is determined by
how much disk space you have free.  The only LiveTV recordings that expire
even when you have lots of free space available are the short (< 1 minute)

Short LiveTV programs should be expired every 2 minutes (on even-numbered
minutes) if they have not been in use for the past minute.  This handles
cleaning up all the short recordings left around from channel surfing.

Normal AutoExpire runs every 5 or 10 minutes (on the 5's and 10's for
the 5-minute frequency and on the 10's for 10-minute frequency).  The
normal autoexpire expires files in order to free up disk space based on
the threshold you set in setup.  LiveTV is ordered first in the expire list
because LiveTV recordings have a autoexpire value of 10000 while normal
normal recordings have their autoexpire set to 0 (do not autoexpire) or
1 (allow autoexpire).


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