On Tuesday 22 November 2005 09:49 pm, Bob Cottingham wrote:
> On 11/22/05, Isaac Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 22 November 2005 06:26 pm, Stuart Morgan wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 22 Nov 2005 22:58, Isaac Richards wrote:
> > > > > I thought the point of the new live TV code was so that you could
> > > > > record everything of a show which you were watching through live
> > > > > TV. This way you cannot win - either you create a rule and record
> > > > > the ending OR hit 'R' and potentially only record the start.
> > > >
> > > > Jeez.  It's not finished yet.  Stop acting like a baby because
> > > > something that's still being worked on didn't work exactly as you
> > > > expected it would and chill.
> > >
> > > I am chilled :) I'm not complaining, or acting like a baby. My original
> > > email was in the form of a question - asking if the behaviour was
> > > expected. It was the prelude to opening a ticket.
> > >
> > > The thread then developed into a discussion with Michael based on our
> > > various opinions of expected behaviour, and the available information.
> > > In this case a misunderstanding resulted from the quotation of Chris:
> > >
> > > "I believe that 'R' in LiveTV just toggles whether a recording will be
> > >  saved (by moving it out of the LiveTV group into the default
> > >  recording group), I don't think it says "record the rest of this
> > >  program" anymore)."
> > >
> > > With confusion arising at 'anymore'. I presume that substituting the
> > > words 'for now' or 'at the moment' would render a better description of
> > > the situation??
> >
> > Yup.  There are 4 major items left on my live-tv todo list.  They are:
> >
> > - Pause OSD doesn't update.
> > - ToggleRecord needs to have warnings for channel changes if it's the
> > currently recording program.
> > - Exiting live-tv when the currently recording program was set to keep
> > through togglerecord needs to keep recording.
> > - Get the live-tv -> previously scheduled recorded program transition
> > working (where it asks if you want to record/cancel/etc).
> So have you made the decision to drop PIP support?

Fixing it's a 'if I find the time' thing.

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