>>>>> Daniel Kristjansson writes:

d> Can someone verify that this works?

Here's what I've tried out:

800x600 4:3 display:
        640x480 4:3 video - looks okay
        480x480 4:3 video - fonts a little tall and narrow
        720p/1080i 16:9 video - fonts a little short and squat

1920x1080 16:9 display,
1280x1024 16:9 display:
        640x480 4:3 video - fonts a little tall and narrow
        480x480 4:3 video - fonts very tall and narrow
        720p/1080i 16:9 video - fonts okay but CC area is too wide

Hope this helps.  And thank you for working on this as well as the
other changes I submitted.  I think you've spent a lot more time on
these than you probably expected to.  Sorry about that.
Gregorio Gervasio, Jr.
mythtv-dev mailing list

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