The --rebuild option was originally meant to allow people to build the
seektable for a corrupt nuppel-format .nuv file or when they had to
rebuild the recordedmarkup table because of MySQL corruption.  That's
probably why I never noticed the bug because those were the cases I
was testing.

looking at nuppeldecoder, if the nuv file doesnt have an embedded seek table, it too will suffer the same problem. i.e. if this embedded seek table is corrupt you are stuffed. unless Im reading it wrong.

I see why it works for nuv's.
recordingHasPositionMap does not represent partial info for nuppeldecoder but does for avformatdecoder and ivtvdecoder. there is still a bit of a problem for db maps which arent complete. perhaps some way of using the partial info or continuing in seektable build mode if it goes past the end of the existing info. but that only works if you dont seek and create holes.

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