On Dec 14, 2005, at 6:01 PM, David Abrahams wrote:

David Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nigel Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I ended up with a mythtvbackend.app, which I suppose needs to be
assembled into a "Framework" the way the front end is?

        I will look at adding that to the script.
(but then there are all the other programs, too)

        An easy test hack is to just symlink the relevant
libraries into the current directory:

cd .osx-packager/src/myth-svn/mythtv/programs/mythbackend
ln -s ../../../../../build/lib/*
ln -s ../../libs/lib*/*.dylib .

That's good to know. I'm not sure if that's going to cure the problem
that's apparently revealed by install_name_tool:

  [osx-pkg] Writing Info.plist for myth framework
[osx-pkg] Processing shared library dependencies for /Users/dave/ myth/MythBackend.app/Contents/Frameworks/myth.framework/Versions/A/ myth [osx-pkg] Parsing /Users/dave/myth/MythBackend.app/Contents/ Frameworks/myth.framework/Versions/A/myth [osx-pkg] Could not parse library file name /Users/dave/myth/ MythBackend.app/Contents/Frameworks/myth.framework/Versions/A/myth
  [osx-pkg] Parsing myth
  [osx-pkg] Could not parse library file name myth
[osx-pkg] /usr/bin/install_name_tool -change myth @executable_path/../Frameworks/myth.framework/myth /Users/dave/ myth/MythBackend.app/Contents/Frameworks/myth.framework/Versions/A/ myth
  [osx-pkg] Parsing libqt-mt.3.dylib
[osx-pkg] /usr/bin/install_name_tool -change libqt-mt.3.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/qt-mt.framework/qt-mt /Users/dave/ myth/MythBackend.app/Contents/Frameworks/myth.framework/Versions/A/ myth [osx-pkg] Could not find @executable_path/../Frameworks/qt- mt.framework/qt-mt
  Died at ./osx-packager.pl line 1031.

I'm not sure if that's deep, or ignorable.

FWIW, I got past this by commenting out the line that calls
MakePackage for MythFrontend, on the hunch that somehow the libraries
needed by the backend were getting "renamed out of the way."  It's
probably misguided, of course; I'm just grabbing at straws.

The resulting backend executable launches and then apparently just
exits.  On the other hand, maybe I really need to run it from within a
terminal to see what it's doing.


All output is directed here when launched by double clicking.


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