On 1/3/06, Chris Pinkham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A while back there were some issues with software-encoded .nuv files with
the frame numbers differing depending on whether you were playing through
the file frame-by-frame or skipping through the file.  The issue occured when
there was corruption in the file and there were skipped frames between
keyframes, for example with keyframedist = 15, but a few frames were skipped
and there were only 10 between 2 keyframes at one point.  I think this was
fixed for nuppeldecoder, but there could be an issue in avformatdecoder.cpp
as well.  From a quick look at the code, I see framesPlayed is explicitly
set in AvFormatDecoder::DoFastForward(), SeekReset(), and Reset(), and it is
incremented in AvFormatDecoder::GetFrame() on every video frame decoded.

This might explain the discrepancy between the framesPlayed you get in
mythcommflag which "plays" frame-by-frame through the video and the
framesPlayed you get in mythfrontend after seeking once.

Interesting.  I have plenty of broken transcoded files that allow seeking in "edit" mode, but skip directly to the end if I try to skip during playback.   (Still trying to debug the MPEG4-to-MPEG4 transcodes...)


Wendy Seltzer
mythtv-dev mailing list

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