Is this related to trac items #1100 and #1103?  (Which
I think are redundant with each other, but reporters
complain that glitches in the stream freeze the
frontend.)  If so, can the approach to this be
broadened to just generally prevent mfe hangs when a
stream has problems?  IMHO a 5C-encrypted stream could
be considered a subset of bum streams, and should be
handled more gracefully by myth.

--- Daniel Kristjansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 16:26 +0000, MythTV wrote:
> > #1108: Frontend crashes when switching to a
> channel with 5C protection on Firewire
> > Changes (by [EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >  Daniel: I'm surprised that you completely closed
> this issue. While I can
> <snip>
> >  Please understand that I'm not trying to start an
> argument here. I work as
> >  a Program Manager for a staff of over 30 people
> building telco software
> >  and anything that locks up the application,
> irrespective of user error or
> >  not, is an issue. I do have systems programming
> background, so if someone
> >  could point me to the direction of where to look
> into fixing this, I'd be
> >  happy to do.
> Have a look at DVBSignalMonitor or
> pcHDTVSignalMonitor, both implement a
> table monitoring function as well as monitoring the
> signal. What you need
> to to fix this is to detect 5C protection, and if 5C
> is not present you
> need to startup processing of the MPEG tables until
> you see a PAT & PMT
> you can use. If a signal monitor exists for
> firewire, TVRec will start it
> and will not tune to the channel until
> SignalMonitor::AllGood() returns true.
> >From a quick search, it appears that 5C specs here:
> When you have a patch go ahead and reopen the
> ticket, and if you need more
> help just send me an e-mail explaining the problem
> you have run into.
> You may also want to detect the presence of 5C
> protection within the firewire
> recorder so that we don't crash if it is turned on
> while we are recording.
> Hopefully all this DRM foolishness ends soon.
> -- Daniel
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