I figured out why I couldn't resize video in my module. It was my misunderstanding of the parameters for ffmpeg. You notice that no matter what you type in for the previous module, nothing gets passed to the encoder? I fixed that now.

This is a simple change, all it does is uncomment one line I had commented out. Oh yeah, I changed the default export bitrate to 1150 to be more universally VCD-friendly (if not compliant).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#Last Updated: 2004.11.28 (jmarkevich)
#  export::MPG
#  Originally export::WMV by Gavin Hurlbut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

package export::MPG;
    use base 'export::ffmpeg';

# Load the myth and nuv utilities, and make sure we're connected to the database
    use nuv_export::shared_utils;
    use nuv_export::ui;
    use mythtv::db;
    use mythtv::recordings;

# Load the following extra parameters from the commandline
    $cli_args{'a_bitrate|a=i'}    = 1; # Audio bitrate
    $cli_args{'v_bitrate|v=i'}    = 1; # Video bitrate
    $cli_args{'height|v_res|h=i'} = 1; # Height
    $cli_args{'width|h_res|w=i'}  = 1; # Width

    sub new {
        my $class = shift;
        my $self  = {
                     'cli'             => qr/\bmpg\b/i,
                     'name'            => 'Export to MPG',
                     'enabled'         => 1,
                     'errors'          => [],
                    # ffmpeg-related settings
                     'noise_reduction' => 0,
                     'deinterlace'     => 0,
                     'crop'            => 0,,
                    # MPG-specific settings
                     'a_bitrate'       => 224,
                     'v_bitrate'       => 1150,
                     'width'           => 352,
                     'height'          => 240,
        bless($self, $class);

    # Initialize and check for ffmpeg

    # Any errors?  disable this function
        $self->{'enabled'} = 0 if ($self->{'errors'} && @{$self->{'errors'}} > 
    # Return
        return $self;

    sub gather_settings {
        my $self = shift;
    # Load the parent module's settings

    # Audio Bitrate
        if ($Args{'a_bitrate'}) {
            $self->{'a_bitrate'} = $Args{'a_bitrate'};
            die "Audio bitrate must be > 0\n" unless ($Args{'a_bitrate'} > 0);
        else {
            $self->{'a_bitrate'} = query_text('Audio bitrate?',
    # Ask the user what video bitrate he/she wants
        if ($Args{'v_bitrate'}) {
            die "Video bitrate must be > 0\n" unless ($Args{'v_bitrate'} > 0);
            $self->{'v_bitrate'} = $Args{'v_bitrate'};
        elsif ($self->{'multipass'} || !$self->{'vbr'}) {
            # make sure we have v_bitrate on the commandline
            $self->{'v_bitrate'} = query_text('Video bitrate?',
    # Ask the user what resolution he/she wants
        if ($Args{'width'}) {
            die "Width must be > 0\n" unless ($Args{'width'} > 0);
            $self->{'width'} = $Args{'width'};
        else {
            $self->{'width'} = query_text('Width?',
        if ($Args{'height'}) {
            die "Height must be > 0\n" unless ($Args{'height'} > 0);
            $self->{'height'} = $Args{'height'};
        else {
            $self->{'height'} = query_text('Height?',

    sub export {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $episode = shift;
    # Load nuv info

         my $kvcd_params = " -intra_matrix "
           . "8,9,12,22,26,27,29,34,"
           . "9,10,14,26,27,29,34,37,"
           . "12,14,18,27,29,34,37,38,"
           . "22,26,27,31,36,37,38,40,"
           . "26,27,29,36,39,38,40,48,"
           . "27,29,34,37,38,40,48,58,"
           . "27,29,34,37,38,40,48,58,"
           . "34,37,38,40,48,58,69,79"
           . " -inter_matrix "   
           . "16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,"
           . "18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,"
           . "20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,"
           . "22,24,26,30,32,32,34,36,"
           . "24,26,28,32,34,34,36,38,"
           . "26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,"
           . "28,30,32,34,36,38,42,42,"
           . "30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44"
           . " -g 24"
           . " -r 23.976";
    # Build the ffmpeg string
        $self->{'ffmpeg_xtra'} = " -b "  . $self->{'v_bitrate'}
                               . " -vcodec mpeg1video"
# these are not quite working yet
#. " " . $kvcd_params
                               . " -aspect 4:3"
                               . " -qmin 3 -qmax 13"
                               . " -ar 44100 "
                               . " -ab " . $self->{'a_bitrate'}
                               . " -acodec mp2"
                               . " -hq"
                               . " -s " .$self->{'width'} . "x" . 
                               . " -f vcd";
    # Execute the parent method
        $self->SUPER::export($episode, ".mpg");

1;  #return true

# vim:ts=4:sw=4:ai:et:si:sts=4
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