On Friday, December 03, 2004 6:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Paul.. thanks for the reply.. sorry its taken so long.. but here is
> the relevant part:
> # Scroll up
> begin
> prog = mythtv
> button = 2
> repeat = 0
> config = Up
> end
> # Scroll down
> begin
> prog = mythtv
> button = 8
> repeat = 0
> config = Down
> end
> Your response got me thinking (doh! repeat!) but am not sure how to
> fix 
> it anyways.. if I change the repeat=0 to repeat=1 won't that just do 2
> actions for each time I press the button? am presuming there is
> something else that should go here...
> Thanks again
> Craig
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This is the file I wanted, I asked for the wrong one =)

Directly from the LIRC documentation at 

tells the program what shall happen if a key is repeated. A value of zero tells 
the program to ignore repeated keys. Any other positive value 'n' tells the 
program to pass the config string every 'n'-th time to the according 
application, when a key is repeated. The default for repeat is zero. 
tells the program to ignore the specified number of key repeats before using 
the "repeat" configuration directive above. This is used to prevent double 
triggers of events when using a fast repeat rate. A value of zero, which also 
is the default, will disable the delay function. 

I have my arrow keys set to repeat 4, I think.  Every once and awhile, I will 
get a double event when I didn't want one, but that might mean I need to mess 
with the delay option.  I hadn't noticed that option before, thanks for making 
me look at the docs =)

Further lirc specific questions should be taken over to the Lirc lists.

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