> Hello,
> I've managed to compile mythtv and it seemed to compile 
> cleanly and install 
> ok, but when I try to run any command with myth in front of 
> it, or ./setup  
> in /home/peter/downloads/mythtv-0.16/setup/  brings back the 
> response: 
>  error while loading shared libraries: libmythtv-0.16.so.0: 
> cannot open shared 
> object file: No such file or directory

This may not have anything to do with your problem. When I switched from
apt-get'ing the releases from atrpms to running CVS I had to alter the
mythtv.pro prefix from /usr/local to /usr for mythtv to find all the
libraries. It compiled fine and everything looked good except that it could
not find the libraries once installed. Perhaps you have a similar situation.

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