Rekall is the closest thing to Access I have seen. There is also PgAccess ( which is pgsql specific but gives you forms, reports, etc.

Craig Tinson wrote:

Cook, Garry wrote:


Have just installed linux for a friend so he can have a play with it
(FC3) .. the first thing he asked about was if there was a decent
database app for it..
I explained all about mysql/postgresql.. but he is interested in
something like an Access type application.. with a nice graphical
Anyone seen anything like this? have had a look through freshmeat but
can't find anything relevant..



You might have a look at phpMyAdmin. It's written for MySQL, not PostgreSQL. You can administer your databases via a browser.

thanks for the response.. sorry I should have been more specific.. I use phpMyadmin all the time.. but its not what hes looking for..

more like access.. with forms/reports etc.. I came across an app call Rekall.. which is pretty close.. but doesn't seem to compile under FC3 (there are reports of it working under FC2 though) .. so something like that..

Thanks again

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