On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 02:16:26PM -0800, nate s wrote:
> I thought someone on this list might be interested in this.  
> http://graphics.tomshardware.com/graphic/20041129/index.html
> It's a Tom's Hardware Guide article on the DVI spec and it's
> implememtation in current graphics cards.  Very good info on how DVI
> works, and which graphics cards produce the best DVI signal.
> "Interestingly, running a test for DVI compliance is not a mandatory
> requirement for receiving a DVI license. As a result, products reach
> the market that claim to have DVI capabilities but don't adhere to the
> specifications."

So Nvidia cards seem to do worse than the Radeons.  I wish they had
tested other than $300 graphics cards.  You aren't buying one of
those cards to do MythTV, after all, that's strictly for the hardcore

Note that even the NVidia that "failed" were compliant to 140mhz.
HDTV resolutions aren't using nearly that much.

I wish I could get an answer before taking back my TV if it's bad
DVI from my Nvidia.  Though since Powerstrip was able to make it work,
probably not.
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