On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 02:20:26PM -0800, Brad wrote:
> Its also worth noting that this law is only in the US (and very 
> stupid, IMHO). So it is possible, if you live outside the US, that 
> you will be able to buy the cards and record HDTV content - which 

Problem is the ATSC standard is for just a few nations.  USA, Canada,
Mexico, South Korea and some smaller places, all under pressure from
the USA to adopt the broadcast flag.

So you will have to hunt to get your card.  More to the point, if
you can't sell cards into the USA and Canadian markets, you won't
make them.

The best you could hope for is a card that when sold in the USA is
locked up, but you can buy an unlocked version outside.

Best to buy your card today.
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