If memory serves me right, the GeForce4 MX are slightly newer than the Ti's, hence the added video acceleration, but only support a lower DirectX feature set, i.e. DirectX 7 whereas the GF4 Ti cards support a DirectX 8 feature set and are probably a little faster. However, I would just buy a NVidia FX5200. You could probably get one for close to the same price as a GeForce4 MX and you would have the benefit of a much faster card for gaming, a DirectX 9 feature set and the latest hardware video acceleration.


I plan on making a myth box revolving around a pcHDTV 3000 card.  Which
video card should I purchase to go along with it?

From the pcHDTV web site I see the following listed:

Accelerated HDTV support with nVidia video cards. Accelerated IDCT and Motion Compensation with GeForce4 Mx cards Accelerated Motion Compensation with GeForce4 TI cards

From that list the GeForce4 Mx cards seem to offer the best combination and
as  an  added  bonus are cheaper than the GeForce4 TI cards or am I reading
that completely wrong?

Would  this  recommendation  change  if I planned to dual boot to do gaming
under windows?

Thanks for your suggestions.


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