Lane Schwartz wrote:

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 17:34:48 -0500, Kyle Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it possible, using Myth, to watch TV shows recorded using a pcHDTV
3000 on an standard television set?

Yes, and yes, it does look better than broadcast SDTV in my

Before I got my HDTV, I had an HD-2000 card feeding my mythbox with an
attached SDTV for several months.  The quality of the HDTV image was
noticeably better to my eyes than that of the SDTV image on the
associated SD channel.

I think TV broadcasters purposely "fuzz" the NTSC image to make it
look better on all kinds of sets---including improperly-tuned
ones---but this results in a loss of clarity.  OTOH, downconverting
the HD image to SD on my computer sacrificed less of the image
quality, resulting in more perceptible detail even from the same
resolution screen.

Nonetheless, a real HDTV is what you want.  Eventually. :)


Awesome! I'm really glad to hear that this is possible.

So, just to clarify, the following is what I now believe to be true.
Please confirm or deny:

1. HDTV shows can be watched on a standard definition TV, albeit at
far less than true HD quality

2. (#1) can be done without actually transcoding the recorded content

3. (#2) is true because the video card is scaling the content on-the-fly

4. If desired, the recorded HD show can be transcoded to a lower resolution.

5. If (#4) is done, playback of the transcoded show will require much
less processing power than playback of the original (non-transcoded)
HD show

I'm pretty sure that 1, 2, and 4 are correct. Not so sure about 3 and 5.


1. Yep.
2. Yep.
3. Yep (my output on my MX440 is 800x600, but sends out a PAL signal).
4. Yep.
5. Yep.

IMHO one of the best benefits of doing this is the audio quality. The audio quality on HDTV here is significantly better than SD (almost like comparing FM radio to CD) and I'm pretty sure it also uses an AC3 signal.

I'm not 100% sure, but I'd expect the audio isn't modified when you transcode. So even though the video takes up less space and is less processor intensive to play, the audio quality will still be better than a SD recording.

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