I would really like to see this too...

On Tuesday 14 December 2004 9:50 am, Andrew Wilson wrote:
> Here's what I'm trying to do, has anyone tried this before....?
> When I put a CD into the drive, I want the system to immediately
> start playing it just as a proper CD player would, while at the
> same time ripping it to disk so you don't need to put the CD in
> again.
> - Can myth do this? Can any other music programs do this?
> I'm using an EPIA M10k which doesn't have enough oomph to encode to
> mp3 in a reasonable timeframe, looking at about 30 mins for a CD,
> which is too long.
> However, I've got a nice fast CD rom, which in theory should be
> able to copy a music CD to disk in a couple of minutes or so.
> So, how about this for an idea:
> - Read the CD into a (ISO?) file, and start playing the audio
> immediately from the file rather than off the CD.
> - Eject the CD as soon as the disk has been read, but continue to
> play audio out of the ISO image
> - Rip the ISO to mp3/ogg/whatever in your own time, and delete the
> ISO once it's completed.
> Is this feasible? Where would I start?
> Andrew
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