Mike Isely wrote:
I will do more testing with 2.6.9-ac14 and see if anything has improved.
It may take a while.  Even with these problems I can still get uptimes of
several weeks so it's pretty hard to get something statistically
significant without a lot of testing time.

With all that said, clearly I am not going to recommend nforce2 boards so
long as I'm still having problems with mine.  But your mileage may vary...


Yikes. You sound like you're having other problems. All I can suggest is fundamentals.

The holy trinity of PCs: Power Supply/Power Source, Memory, Motherboard

Assuming you have a half decent PSU, because AMD stuff requires min of 350W, you could look into wether you have brownout conditions due to
overloading or perhaps dirty power due to some other appliance or a
noisy circuit. I've seen perfectly good hardware act completely wacko
when the circuit was too heavily loaded.

Memory falls to memtest86+.  This catches most, if not all, memory issues.

Motherboard. I'm not a huge fan of Abit. Their quality of the years has been variable. Maybe you could check your board for leaking caps. Instability in the power circuit would cause issues with stability.
My first myth system was on a box with bad caps and caused me no end of stress and grief. Replacing the MB and CPU with NF2 fixed it. Later I
replaced the caps on the "bad" board and now it runs like a champ.

Good luck tracking down your problem.

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