One thing to remember with XFS, particularly for short-term storage, is that XFS partitions cannot be shrank, only enlarged. I'm running into this problem right now on my myth box, I want to re-allocate some space to another partition.
William wrote:

This is just my opinion, your milage may vary. The way I would add the extra
drive is to add the drive and then create a LVM. Add the new drive to the
LVM and then transfer all your files to the new drive. Once the old drive is
empty you can reformat it and add it to the LVM. That is how I added a
second drive to my system. Once everything is transfered change the
recording location to your new drive group.

I see you are using ext3, you will probably get a decent improvement in
performance if you set up your LVM with either xfs or jfs. Both of those
handle large files better than ext3.


-- Jason Ramey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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