On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Bruce Markey wrote:

> John Patrick Poet wrote:
> ...
> > Since you and Donavan are discussing this, I am hoping that you will
> > consider another plea I made here:
> >
> > http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/dev/92650?#92650
> >
> > This also has to do with duplicate detection.
> There was some discussion off line about this at the time.
> I'm sure this isn't the response you anticipated but I'd never
> had any problem with multi-part shows in practice and I don't
> see any situation that really needs a solution.
> > I have seen at least one case where "Matching duplicates using subtitles
> > and descriptions" is insufficient. It can happen when a show has
> > multiple parts. The show name, subtitle, and description will all be
> > the same for each of the parts. Even the "Program ID" is the same for
> > each of the parts.
> If you have programid's (DD or possible Sweden soon) the programid
> is checked before any string matching. If there are programids,
> each one will be recorded once even if the descriptive info is
> the same or blank. It would only 'fall through' if it was checking
> for oldrecorded episodes from before you had DD that didn't have
> programids.
> For TV series that have multi-part episodes, I've only ever seen
> each part with a unique episode programid. This makes sense
> because the the show's producer created different entities and
> identified each of them. However, it is possible that a station
> may show a long movie and split it across two nights. Here there
> is only one entity created by the producer and so there is only
> one MVXXXXXX0000 ID for that movie but there is a part 1 and a
> part 2 for the station's split. When I looked before I had no
> recurring series with matching programids and four or five split
> movies in two parts. Today, I don't have any movies with two parts
> but just one part 2 for "Angels in America". You can check this
> with your own data:
> mysql> select partnumber,programid,title from program where parttotal > 1 
> order by programid;
> I see that every series (EP*) has a different, usually sequential,
> programid for each part.
> Now, if a movie is split in two, I don't think there is anything
> that could be done that helps in any meaningful way. Movies are
> normally recorded with Single or FindOne and would only record
> one part. You need to consciously choose to record both parts.
> Even if there was overhead imposed on all tens of thousands of
> listing to account for the possibility of split movies, the
> user would have to choose All or Channel when recording a movie
> to have it record both parts then remove the recurring rule
> after it has recorded. This just doesn't seem beneficial. The
> user still would do best to Single record both parts when this
> happens so there is no point to adding the overhead.
> --  bjm

I have only seen the above scenario once, and that was a month ago.  It
probably does not happen very often.  If I ever notice it again, I will post
a more useful example.

Thank you for looking into the issue.

It would still be nice, if the Actor information was saved with the rest of
the show info, after it is recordered.  Other than the time it would take to
program this, is there a reason why this has not been done?



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