My second, and current, MythTV box is an Asus Pundit (not the Pundit-R) with a 2.4 Mhz P4 (overclocked to 2.8), 256MB RAM, and a PVR-350.
On my first MythTV box, (with was a 400 Mhz AMD K-6) I was using the PVR-350's video out. It definitely took some work to get the video-out working, but now with more recent versions of IVTV and much better documentation around, it would be much easier for you than it was for me. When I got the Pundit, I gave the built-in video-out a try (via S-video) and found the image to be very satisfactory on my 27". Though the image may be slightly better with the 350's TV-out but, for now, I rather not go through the hassle for a negligible difference. Another reason I am not setting up the 350's video-out is because I just purchased a PC-HDTV card. My Pundit does seem to HDTV test clips without stuttering, and the PVR-350 can't output HDTV without it being transcoded (so no live tv). Also the built in video has DVI out, so when I get a HDTV TV I'll be able that connection versus the S-video.

Hope that helps,


On Dec 17, 2004, at 5:19 PM, Phill Edwards wrote:

I'm thinking about getting two Hauppauge PVR-250 capture
cards so that I can record (or watch) more than one channel
at a time. I also need another card that has video-out,
correct? What card would you all recommend for this?

nVidia-based cards seem to be pretty good. I have a nVidia GeForce MX440 with 64MB RAM and 8x AGP. This works fine. Also, there seems to be lots of good support on nVidia in the MythTV community. _______________________________________________ mythtv-users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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