On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 13:22:48 -0500, mielikki-ivtv
> Peter Lee wrote:
> > The upgrade went smoothly, except for one thing: The OSD is not
> > working.  Everything else seems to be working perfectly.  I can pause,
> > ff, rewind, etc in both live and recorded tv and it works just fine,
> > but just no osd.  The program guide works.  But OSD-related things are
> > not working.  For example, browse mode is not working at all (just no
> > effect when I hit up/down-arrow in brose mode), and edit mode actually
> > causes mythfrontend to freeze.
> I had a similar problem with the OSD and it turned out to be a
> permission problem. I do a
>    chmod a+rw /dev/fb/2
> and it works. (You'll need to change the '2' to whatever your frame
> buffer device in.)
> (A better solution might  be to set the group on the device to 'video'
> and set the rw permission for group and not other and add the
> mythfrontend user to the video group, but I'll leave that for you to
> decide.)

Thanks for the tip, but forgive my ignorance:  I don't know what
/dev/fb/2 is!  I have /dev/fb which is a link to /dev/fb0.  I thought
that /dev/fb0 was my framebuffer device.  Am I wrong about that?  At
any rate, I did a chmod a+rw on /dev/fb0, but this did not have any
effect on the osd.

By the way, I said before that going into edit mode causes
mythfrontend to freeze.  I was wrong about that.  Nothing freezes. 
It's just that edit mode becomes hard to use without the osd...

Anyway, I am stumped on this.  Do I need a more recent ivtv?  I am
currently running ivtv-0.1.10-47_pre2_ck100zz.rhfc2.at.

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