Gerald S wrote:
Thanks JAC,

One more question:   Since the component video coming out of my cable box is
raw video, requiring a regular capture card, how does HD impact this?  Is
this signal HD and can it be captured as HD, though it is analog?  I know
this I a lot of converting (digital -> analog -> back to digital), but it
seems it would be the most compatible scenario.

If you have a cable box with HD component outputs, then the (analog) component signal would be HD resolution (if the broadcast content was HD). However, I don't know of any analog HD capture cards or capture cards that accept component input (at least, not at the consumer level... maybe some commercial/professional grade cards?). So, in order for you to capture analog output from your cable box, you'd have to use RF (coax), composite (RCA cable), or S-Video, all of which will have been converted by the cable box to a standard NTSC-resolution signal. There just really is no viable solution right now for getting access to encrypted digital cable HD content in HD resolution, either analog or digital format. You can (may) eventually get the digital stream over FireWire, but only in SD resolution (and not with Myth yet), or you can access the decoded raw analog video stream, in NTSC resolution. Either way you're not getting HD. Right now, the only HD you can get in Myth is OTA broadcast HD, and soon possibly digital cable (QAM) HD content *if not encrypted*.

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