
I ran accross the answer about 20 minutes after placeing my question.

Instead if trying to import the entire DB just extract the record, recorded, oldrecorded and recordedmarkup records. Then pull that in.

After you change the hostname on the backed up file to the new systems hostname.

grep "INSERT INTO record " mysql-backup.sql > restore.sql
grep "INSERT INTO recorded " mysql-backup.sql >> restore.sql
grep "INSERT INTO oldrecorded " mysql-backup.sql >> restore.sql
grep "INSERT INTO recordedmarkup " mysql-backup.sql >> restore.sql

mysql -u root -p mythconverg
mysql> delete from record;
mysql> delete from recorded;
mysql> delete from oldrecorded;
mysql> delete from recordedmarkup;
mysql> quit

mysql -u root -p mythconverg < restore.sql

So I am about ready to try this...

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