Hi all

Since quite some time I'm trying to set up OpenGL so that I can use Goom in
MythMusic and the blend effect in MythGallery with reasonable speed on my
EPIA MII. Although everything is working it is so slow that it is of almost
no use (although Goom works more or less ok if I use a factor 2 for visual
scaling). What I'm wondering is if anybody has a setup fast enough to use
the OpenGL blend effect in MythGallery or Goom without a scaling factor
using an Epia MII 12000. My exact setup is the following:

EPIA MII 12000
Debian unstable
x.org 6.8.1 (installed over xfree86 deb-packages)
Unichrome via driver (r28) / resolution 1024x768x16
DRM 2.3

I also tried the Unichrome 3D driver (binary release from SF). It worked
fine in glxgears but MythGallery didn't work at all with this driver (no
picture, just a black screen in slide show mode). Goom worked but not faster
than before.

Am I hunting ghosts?

Thanks, Patrick

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