Preston Crow wrote:

On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 14:56, Michael J. Lynch wrote:

Other than cost, is there any reason to choose a PVR250 over a pchdtv
hd3000 since the latter can MPEG2 encode both NTSC and ATSC?

You need to go back and do some more research, as the HD-3000 doesn't MPEG encode anything. (ATSC is broadcast as MPEG, so no encoding is required by the recipient.) Most HD-3000 users also use a PVR-250 card for NTSC.

Check the list archives.

That's not what the pcHDTV website says. It specifically states that the card
MPEG2 encoding. See the second line of paragraph 2 of the following link:

HD-3000 at pcHDTV <>

The line I'm referencing is:

"The card receives NTSC and ATSC Signals and converts them to
digital streams which are transported across the PCI bus."

I know that ATSC is already MPEG2, does this possibly mean that
NTSC is converted to some digital format that is something other
than MPEG2?

Further reading on the page suggests NTSC is, in fact, MPEG2 encoded.

Michael J. Lynch

What if the hokey pokey IS what it's all about -- author unknown

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