On Fri, 2004-12-31 at 13:54 -0700, MasterC wrote:
> 2.  What functions/features do I lose (if any) by not having a keyboard
> connected/controlling my mythbox?

Not very many, as far as I can tell. I followed Jarod's advice and
bought a Radio Shack 15-2116 remote. It can be programmed to do pretty
much everything. I can control all the MythTv Tv function (live and
recorded) and also videos (using Xine). I can edit cutlists etc. Haven't
had much luck in getting it to fetch beer though :D.

I had previously bought a Gyration wireless keyboard and gyroscopic
mouse, so whenever I do need to use keyboard I simply get them out of
the cupboard and voila! Bob's your uncle.


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