On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 23:25:33 +0100 (CET), Hugo van der Kooij
> A significant problem with KnoppMyth is their use of LILO. GRUB is not
> that big and it is not such a major pain to troubleshoot. (Try to explain
> someone the MUST run LILO as soon as their kernel is touched to make sure
> you do not get stuck with LI during boot.

One point in LILO's favor is that it's much easier to get set up than GRUB
(why on God's green earth did they have to go with that non-standard (hd#,#)
nomenclature?) and works in more circumstances.  Try getting GRUB to work
on AMD64 hardware where WinXP/2K/NT is on /dev/hda, Linux is on /dev/hdb,
and you want the NT bootloader to load the Linux bootloader.  It won't work,
no matter what I've tried.  Yes, you have to rebuild LILO after you rebuild
the kernel, but at least it works.

 / v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
(IIGS( http://alfter.us/            Top-posting!
 \_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden            >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

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