In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>           Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The recording I traced was 62 minutes long (a one hour program with
> > a two minute global pre-roll) and the recording was a DVB-T stream
> > with 25 frames/sec. The message sent by the backend when the recording
> > finished was:
> > 
> >   BACKEND_MESSAGE[]:[]DONE_RECORDING 2 3159[]:[]empty
> > 
> > The value 3159 is the final length of the recording, and corresponds
> > to 52 minutes and 39 seconds, which is some 10 minutes short.
> > 
> > Querying the recordedmarkup table for that program appears to give
> > the correct answer - the maximum frame number is 94687 which corresponds
> > to 63 minutes 3.12 seconds at 25 frames/sec.
> Ah! I just realised that 3159 is 94687/29.97 so the problem is
> that the recorder is dividing by the wrong frame rate when it
> computes the length to send in that message...
> Now I just have to work out where it is getting the rate from.

As best I can tell the problem is that DVBRecorder::SetOptionsFromProfile
is not calling SetOption for the tvformat option so RecorderBase uses the
default value of 29.97 frames/sec.

The other recorder classes do seem to set the frame rate properly.


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