On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 07:51:34 -0500, David George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/2/2005 7:23 PM, Tim Berger wrote:
> >I have audio working fine with exception for a very loud high-pitched chirp
> >that sometimes happens when skip or jump is used on recordings or live tv.
> >Enabling extra audio buffering has no effect.
> >
> >1) Please tell me I'm not the only one experiencing this problem.
> >
> >
> You aren't.  Are you using ALSA or OSS?  If you are using ALSA what
> device are you using (e.g. ALSA:spdif)?

I'm on FC3, so I know that alsa is working, but the only available
options seem to be /dev/dsp and /dev/adsp.  I'm using /dev/dsp.  No
spdif.  But i'm getting a shuttle SN41G2BV3 with spdif soon. ;-)

/dev/adsp does not seem to work for me.  I get an I/O error or some
such.  I'm not near my myth box at the moment.  I'll bet i'm missing
something from modprobe.conf.  I'll find out what it is, and try adsp

When I use mplayer and tell it to use alsa, it seems to use devices
under /dev/snd, not /dev/adsp as far as I can tell.

Thanks for the "big audio update" info.  I'll have to take a look.


> >2) Is there a release, patch, or work-around for this?
> >
> >
> I have this from time-to-time with ALSA:spdif when fast-forwarding or
> rewinding (actually jump forward and jump backward).  It hasn't bothered
> me enough to look at the code and find out what the problem is.  Most
> likely it is some partial data in the soundbuffer when audio is
> paused/unpaused during the fast-forward/rewind.
> Actually, now that I think about this, I don't remember hearing this in
> a while.  I am running CVS as of yesterday.  I will try to do some
> ff/rew tonight and see if it still happens.  It may have been fixed with
> the big audio update (search dev list archives for "big audio update").
> --
> David
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