
Help please.  I've followed Jarod's settings to ensure the
screen-saver doesn't kick-in, so rc.local contains the following
lines.  I've also entered them in xterm to ensure they are definately

/usr/X11R6/bin/xset -dpms
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset s off

I've also double checked my screen-saver settings to ensure it's not
enabled, but I'm still getting a blank screen every 20-30 minutes
which can be reactivated by pressing a remote key, but then I'm also
seeing the screen totally blank such that the TV thinks the input
signal is lost and pops up the channel id on screen.

This latter behaviour requires me to press a keyboard key to
reactivate the display and occurs usually 40-60 minute into viewing. 
Note, this seems to occur regardless of what I'm doing through Myth
(DVD, TV, Music, ...).

Any ideas anyone please, the WAF is getting killed on this one.

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