before you get too deep in this, and maybe I dont know about sun blades (definitely dont know much) but is this a sun machine with SPARC processor(s)? Has anybody installed this mess on a sun sparc, maybe sparc linux (solaris seems unlikely)? if there are success stories of mythtv on sun hardware, I will be pleasantly surprised.

then again maybe you just want to process the video files on this box. still do not see how you'll get this stuff to run. under x86 emulation, its going to be dog ass slow (which is pretty slow).

On Jan 5, 2005, at 3:50 PM, Bear Paw wrote:

My roomate scored some equipment at a .com auction ... a LCD projector, some
SCSI hard drives, some LCD monitors ... but the cream of the crop is a Sun
Blade 1000. It has 2 36Gig FC drives, it has one SCSI connector open so we
can throw a system disk in there. it has 4 PCI slots and we were going to
try to use that for recording/encoding. It has room for one more drive in
the case ... I guess we could use an ext. SCSI cage ...

Greetings peoples ... I'm really new at MythTV but I've been tracking
progress for some time. My question has to do making a really weird

System one: 4 tuner cards, records and encodes shows and transfers them
System two: File server, this will hold the MythTV backend and dish out
files to all the frontends.
System 3-N: MythTV frontends

What we really want is for SysOne to cache the files to its harddrives
transfer them to SysTwo.

Is this doable or should we just try to put it all on one system?


Bear Paw

I'm not quite clear what the goal is, just to use 1 machine as the backend and have it write to a file server? You can do that by using NFS, why do you want to cache it first? I'm not sure if it is possible to do the cacheing, but it might be possible using rsync or something similiar.

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