On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 11:06 +0000, Robin Elvin wrote:
> I've been having trouble with nuvexport too but it is the video which is 
> coming
> out corrupted. The original .nuv files play back OK in Mplayer.
> In relation to the audio trouble, because I can't use nuvexport I've created a
> DVD manually with lame+transcode+mplex. Playing the resultant mpeg2 in mplayer
> shows the audio sync problem but burning the DVD and playing back on my DVD
> player the audio is fine.
> Can anyone clear up just what you have to do to create a DVD from your Myth
> recordings? I've done several searches and found various snippets but no
> definitive HOWTO. This may indicate where the problem lies.
> I'm using Myth 0.16 on Gentoo from the portage ebuild. TV card is a Hauppauge
> Nova-T which uses about 2-3% CPU on my XP1600+ so I had assumed that I was
> getting an MPEG2 stream straight off the card.
> Any help/ideas would be much appreciated.

I've now managed to create disk with 3 episodes of a series which do not
have sync problems.

When I edited out the commercials and other crud, I stuck to using
keyframes as cutpoints, rather than individual frames as I have done in
the past. This seems to have been successful, although now I've written
this it'll never work again!

Once I'd exported the files using nuvexport, I then used a windows
program "gui for dvdauthor" to create the DVD. I'd tried using
qdvdauthor, but it's not complete enough yet. I also tried gdvdwizard,
which again I didn't like.

Once I'd used "gui for dvdauthor" to create all the menus and chapters
etc. I just burn the audio_TS and video_TS folders to a dvd.

when I bought my burner, I popped it in my myth box, but I'm intending
to relocate to my windows box, and use nero to write the dvds.

I hope all this helps someone.



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