On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 21:52:27 -0700, Richard Mixon (qwest)
> Maybe a little off-topic, but I've read and read on the nVidia forums.
> One post suggested the TV could not synch to s-video. So I switched out
> my 31" Toshiba (10 years old) for my son's new Samsung 27". Still does
> not work.
> The TV is the only monitor connection. I got MythTV working with the
> monitor, then disconnected trying to get it to just work with standard
> TV using s-video.
> At bootup, I get sort of a vertical roll. I've tried different s-video
> cables, still the same. If it was an old, old TV I would try and adjust
> the vertical hold.
> Anyway, once it goes into X the screen gets dark grey and nothing.
> Any ideas on how to make this useful/readable while booting?
> Thanks - Richard

I may be way off, but the boot up scrolling sounds like the video card
is sending out PAL insted of NTSC. I have onboard video and can
configure either PAL or NTSC in the mb bios.  The default bios setting
is PAL, and with PAL, I get the scrolling you describe.  The colours
are also off.  No idea how to fix if a video card..

It also sounds like you may have your X settings incorrect.  Jarod has
his X settings for a MX400 in his howto. You might want to take a look
at it.
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