On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 12:14:10AM -0500, Isaac Richards wrote:
> On Sunday 09 January 2005 11:57 pm, Brad Templeton wrote:
> > Right now mythtv is not mature enough to give to people who are
> > not sophisticated computer users.   They need help administering it
> > from somebody else, and that's why this is a useful feature.
> Don't see you doing terribly much to help with that.

Sorry you feel that way.  Myself, I'm still working on getting the
environment stable as it is before fixing bugs.   It's involved a lot
of other sysadmin, upgrading systems.   Most of the problems are not
actually MythTV's.   The statement about Mythtv's maturity is not
directed as an insult -- it is marked with a version number of 0.16 after
all, which generally means that's exactly what the developers are
declaring.   It's also much more than a statement about MythTV.  As
noted, most of the problems people have encountered with MythTV are
actually problems with trying to make Linux itself work in less tested areas,
with new video cards and capture cards and young and unstable drivers,
with remote controls, and DVI output and untested screen resolutions
and much more.

I also am sorry that you feel we aren't doing a lot to support MythTV
and open source digital TV in general.  Our digital TV liberation front
page (www.eff.org/broadcastflag) with associated articles on building
MythTV have brought it a fair bit of attention, I hope.  If there is
more we can do, let us know.

Or if you simply refer to me personally not sending in my own share
of patches, I agree, I have not.   And it's not that I don't understand
the issues of being the developer and how to view people who mostly
report bugs and ask for features rather than coding them.   However,
that doesn't mean it's not appropriate for people to do that, it just
adjusts the priority that should be expected for them.

> Override the hostname in the mysql.txt file, and you wouldn't have that 
> problem.  Multiple frontends doesn't really hurt anything, either.
> I'd accept a patch to allow configuring the mysql port, too.  Won't spend 
> time 
> on it myself, though.

Not expecting it.  And I will see if I can put together such a patch,
once I manage to get the CVS myth to compile.   That it won't compile
is not your fault, it's a strange bug in the Fedora upgrade process
that has left my system in a state where certain programs won't link,
and Myth is one of them.   It compiles on a virgin system (but not the
one I code on) so it's my problem to eventually piece together.  Linux
sysadmin takes up way to much of all of our time, I fear.

Though there are other patches I would also put in line way ahead of
this one, which was more of an observation than anything.
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