I noticed a couple of emails about MythMusic and its interface, and
have to agree with some that it is not quite as intuitive as I would

Has anyone seen the ReQuest Nitro and its ARQ OS interface? I played
with one briefly at my local home theatre hardware store, and it
seemed pretty nice.

It had album cover support, browse by artist, genre, track. You could
create playlists or just play individual albums/tracks/etc. The
interface felt way more intuitive than MythMusic, and things could be
easily navigated with a regular style remote.

You can see a couple of (small) screenshots here but they don;t do it justice:

If you get a chance to look at one, I recommend it. While I like
MythMusic in theory, in practice, it never seems to work the way I
expect and it has so much potential. Unfortunately, I am no developer
so I doubt I had the skills to whip something up on my own, although
I'd love to have input on the interface if someone wants to
collaborate or have people test ideas.

Hunt around the ReQuest site in genral as well as they have a lot of
neat ideas (such as software interface for ripping/categorizing music,


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