Paul Kidwell wrote:

Last night we were watching Crossing Jordan on our regular TV. Every time a
commercial would come on she joke and yell "FAST FORWARD!" (We normally Myth
Crossing Jordan and start watching it about ten to fifteen minutes after the
actual start time so the show finishes at about the same time we catch up. If we
catch up early, the wife gets "really" irritated)

At about 20 after the hour I tried to shoo her up to the bedroom TV because I
wanted to use the Xbox to play Halo.

She said that she couldn't watch it up there because we were Mything it.

I reminded her that we were watching broadcast.

She said that she couldn't watch it up there because we didn't have an Xbox up
there yet.

I told her "This is broadcast, you don't need an Xbox."

She said "But..." then got a "deer in the head lights" look.

After a long, silent, pause I said, "You forgot that you could watch TV *on* a
TV, didn't you?

She turned beet red...

(I got to play Halo :)


mythtv-users mailing list

Sounds like an excuse to get another Xbox.


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