Just a follow up to this posting, the card below is the Emuzed Maui I/II, it 
has windows drivers here  http://www.emuzed.com/download.htm but as best I 
can tell, there are no Linux drivers period. I haven't been able to find any 
*nix development for the LSI DVXplore chip so far.

I found this related posting:

On 14 Oct 2004 at 12:14, Harondel J. Sibble wrote:

> Okay, a computer store that I do some work for recently came into possesion of
> 300 hardware mpeg encoding tv tuner cards that came from XP Media Center pc's.
> I am trying to track down whether there is linux and mythtv support for these
> cards but haven't been able to find much by googling as the cards don't have
> much in the way of markings.
> The back of the pcb has the following silk screened
> HannStar K MV-4
> 94V-0  0312
> There is a sticker on the back
> MAHP-01-000 Rev-1.02
> 4103-SATINDO-042195
> It has a phillips tuner, svideo and right and left rca audio jacks.
> The PCB has the following chips
> B1
> T 0312
> WYF12002

Harondel J. Sibble 
Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small business and home computer user.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (use pgp keyid 0x3AD5C11D) http://www.pdscc.com
(604) 739-3709 (voice/fax)      (604) 686-2253 (pager)

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