On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 20:51:58 +0100, Petter Gundersen
> > 1.  Black screen after EPG exit.
> > When I exit the EPG while watching live TV, the screen goes black
> > until I press any button, at which point the TV signal returns.  I can
> > still hear the audio during this period.
> >
> This problem has been reported before, but I don't know if a fix exist.
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/dev/95064

Sorry, don't know how I missed that.

> > 2. Freeze on commercial edit.
> > When I attempt to select commercial edit while viewing recorded
> > material, mythfrontend (and/or X?) freeze solid.  I can still ssh in
> > and everything else continues running, but mythfrontend is dead until
> > I restart the X process. (Sorry, haven't tried just restarting
> > mythfrontend's process.. a little tricky when you are SSHing into a
> > box behind your TV)
> This is a know problem, and has been fixed in cvs. See revision 1.372
> at 
> http://cvs.mythtv.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/mythtv/libs/libmythtv/NuppelVideoPlayer.cpp
> You either have to upgrade to cvs or wait for a new release.

Excellent, thanks for the info.

No idea on #3, then? :)

Ian Trider
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