On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 05:15:12PM -0400, Mark J. Small wrote:
> On January 12, 2005 03:56 pm, Mike Frisch wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 12:36:22PM -0700, Jack Burghardt wrote:
> > > I have Toshiba Satellite with 475 mhz K6-2 cpu 196 mb, ati video car that
> > > supports xv will it be enough to act as frontend.
> >
> > I seriously doubt it'll have enough horsepower, but there's no harm in
> > trying.
> It could work, given the proper recording settings.  My frontend is a Celeron 
> 433 with 256 MB.  It handles my mpeg2 recordings just fine, but was choking 
> on some mpeg4 stuff.

I think the C433 is much faster than the K6-2, though.  Isn't the K6-2 a
Pentium class CPU?  The C433 is Pentium II, IIRC.
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