Its nothing personal, its advocacy...  This quote shares what a nut-case the 
motion picture industry looks to for taking away your rights.  He's not just 
some crank off the street, nor does the mythweb guy have some morbid 
fascination for murder.

Have you contacted Jack?  If he publically retracts that statement, then I 
guess it would have to be removed.   This is the same group (I believe - and 
I may be wrong) that convinced everyone that your fair use laws (to make a 
backup of a dvd) is being preserved since you can point a video camera at the 
screen and record it.

Again, I don't think its meant to offend woman, and it is relevant to the 
issue (being free to make recordings of programs) at hand.

Have a nice day,


On Thursday 13 January 2005 12:19 pm, John Johnson wrote:
> If you are or are fortunate enough to have a woman using your Myth box,
> you can remove the Boston Strangler quote in:
> /var/www/themes/Default/theme.php
> about line 50.
> Regards,
>    JJ


Bill Chmura


Seeking total perfect enlightenment is looking for a flashlight,
When all you need the flashlight for is to find your flashlight.
- Lew Welch

Without good motivation, science and technology, instead of helping, bring 
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