Bruce wrote:
> > SuSE 9.2 has been pretty easy to get working with my. 
> MySQL, php, all 
> > of the prereqs are installable using Yast.
> Wasn't there some kind of QT lib problem with SuSE?  Is that 
> fixed with 9.2? SuSE is my distro of choice and I'm thinking 
> about upgrading.  TIA!

FWIW I set up SuSE 9.1 (about a week ago) with a PVR-350[0] and
mythtv (CVS-20041224), took me about 10 hours total[1] to get up
and running.

Only problem was it took some while to download everything and
would have been *much* easier to have a apt source for mythtv.

If anyone is that interested email me direct for more details.


[0] X out on the pvr-350's tv out.
[1] Mostly download and compile time.

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