I'll throw in my 2 cents about topology, and let someone else answer the
exactness based upon Myth software itself (although it's likely that Myth
isnt multi-threaded, but it's possible, so someone else pop in on this).

1st, will it reduce your transcode time... if you were doing 'other'
things on the box at the same time.. then the easy answer is yes, it will
have some benefit.  i.e. if you were trying to watch something on the FE
at the same time you had the BE doing the transcode, then yes a dual CPU
setup will help your speed and/or remove jerkyness of the FE.

However... it wont be 2X as fast by any means... This comes down to if the
Myth modules are multi-thread away... I wouldn't think-so... but we can
both hope someone will respond. :-)

Btw, if you were not 'doing anything' else on that box, at the same time
you were transcoding, and someone responds that the Myth modules are not
multi-threaded... then you will still see some speed increase, be it
moderate, because you have 1 CPU dedicated to the transcode, and the
other, is running the OS, handling memory, disk IO, network IO, etc...


On Sat, 15 Jan 2005, John Williams wrote:

> My myth FE/BE combined is a dual proc Intel P3 capable machine. I have
> a single 933 Mhz P3 in it now and was wondering if the adding the
> second proc would add any transcoding or nuvexport benefit. Right now
> I ran an nuvexport and the darn thing took all night to do a 1 hour
> show. obviously I don't want to archive my shows at that rate.
> I also plan on adding 2 front end machines to work with this back end.
> Any comments would be apprecitated.
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