On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 06:42:04PM -0500, Magnus Meinfretr wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 16:28:30 -0500, Mike Frisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At 1.25GHz or 1.42GHz, my guess is that it does *not* have enough
> > horsepower to decode HDTV.
> What you forget is this is a 1.25GHz PowerPC G4.  This is not a
> Pentium 4 or an Athlon.  Don't fall into the mental trap of thinking
> the GHz ratings even compare.

But don't believe your Mac-loving friends that an X GHz PPC is better
than a 2X or 3X GHz P4. It isn't true, or at least depends on your 

I did some benchmarking for a particular application earlier this year
and found that a G3-class PPC (specifically an IBM 750FX, as used in
some of the iBooks) was roughly equal to a Pentium III for a given
MHz, or possibly slightly SLOWER. That was for integer networking work, 
which is clearly different to video processing.

> This is probably (conservatively) at least as fast as a 2GHz Pentium 4
> for all intents and purposes.  Any code that makes good use of the
> Altivec instructions could very well be beyond current x86 performance
> potential.

But is Altivec better than MMX + SSE + SSE2 + 3DNow?

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