I've spent several hours yesterday and today searching
for the "how to" I need -- how to record a captured
HDTV broadcast onto a DVD.  I figured this would have
been pioneered by someone, but I have yet to find the
procedure for completing this task.

Along the way I've discovered that HDTV broadcasts are
in a format called MPEG2-TS (transport stream) which
differs from other MPEG2 files.  Standard Myth tools
such as nuvexport do not handle MPEG2-TS streams.  

Another wrinkle is that HDTV broadcasts are often
1920x1080i or 1280x720p, whereas the highest
resolution allowed on a standard DVD is 720x480, so
some resizing of the video will be necessary.  Extra
credit here for making an anamorphic DVD that retains
the 16:9 format of the original broadcast.

HDTV streams carry AC3 audio, but DVDs have either AC3
or MPEG audio, so it may be necessary to create a
two-channel audio track for use on DVD-players without
builtin AC3 decoding.

I have found several Linux programs which can handle
portions of the above, but nobody has yet created a
set of instructions for how to use them to archive a
broadcast to DVD.  Did I miss the "Ultimate Guide to
HDTV-DVD Recording" in my search?

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