On Monday 17 January 2005 16:06, Brandon Beattie wrote:
> Yes, many of us have.  A pvr-x50 will Not decode HD. You'll have to get
> an nvidia geforce FX series card, the most popular is the 5200

Last weekend I tried an FX5700 and was hoping for better quality video than my 
Matrox G550. I've been trying mythtv and xine (all possible output modes) and 
was amazed that my old G550 has better image quality than this rather new 
FX5700. I switched back to the G550 and take for granted that the maximum 
resolution I can get is not as large as the FX5700 can do. Quality means more 
to me than resolution and the Matrox card clearly won that in my case (CRT 
projection with 2m*1.5m screen so you'll see all artefacts easily :-) ).
xvmc using the FX5700 seems to have best quality but I need gamma correction 
(which I found was not possible so this option wasn't suitable for my setup).

I was actually surpriced by these results as I thought that the FX5700 would 
win in quality over the G550. Unfortunately it didn't unless it needs some 
serious tweaking. Both cards where compared with same resolutions and refresh 

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