Kim B. Nielsen wrote:


I've run into a problem when I'm recording a scheduled program. The problem is, in short, that mythtv doesn't change the channel, before recording a scheduled program, and thus it's recording on the scheduled time and in the scheduled length, but on the wrong channel. However, I'm able to change the channel without problems when I'm watching live tv. As I understand it, it's the same command that is called, so I'm a bit confused about this. Is there any of you who have seen this problem before, and is there any of you who might have an solution. The card I'm experiencing the problem on, is a pvr 250.

The myth version is the cvs version of last night (Actually, 8 hours ago :), and I'm living in Denmark, western Europe...

Ok... I managed to crack this nut... It helped to wipe the database and configure all over again...

My machine configuration (Relevant details)
Hauppauge PVR 250
ASUS TV-FM - saa7335
Athlon mobile 2400+
256 MB RAM

Unfortunally, this card and this chip doesn't seem to be supported at all under linux. Actually, it's the tuner on the card that isn't supported, as far as I'm able to google... But if anyone got it to work, I would very much like to hear from you..

On another note, Is there anyone, who has some good instructions for getting the ASUS TV-FM card to work?? Currently, the card is being detected, I've set the right (I think) board number and the right tuner, but all I get of output, is a black screen in mythtv. Anyone who has a good howto, or some additional tips as how I can test or configure the card?

Any help will be greatly appreciated...



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