On 17 Jan 2005, at 6:16 PM, Colin Bell wrote:

I did have problem with it not finding qmake so I made a symlink of $QTDIR/bin/qmake to /usr/bin.

You shouldn't do that, fix the PATH problem instead (see below). Making symlinks like that will really trip you up if you upgrade to a new version of Qt.

(tcsh: Bad : modifier in $ (/).)

This is the problem -- you're using tcsh instead of bash as your shell. I'm guessing you probably upgraded from an older version of OS X, instead of starting with a fresh Panther install. As the howto says: "If you don't start from scratch, some of the instructions may not be correct for your setup." You've hit one of those places. =/

The tcsh version needs to be put into .tcshrc instead of .bash_profile, and it should look like this:

setenv SRCDIR $HOME/src
setenv QTDIR $SRCDIR/qt-mac-free-3.3.3
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib:$QTDIR/lib
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:$QTDIR/bin

Use "source ~/.tcshrc" to load that into your environment, instead of ". ~/.bash_profile". The rest of the howto should work the same.

If I'm being a pain just ignore me...

Not at all. Being a pain would be making the same mistakes over and over, and not listening to solutions. Making mistakes, learning from them, and going on to make new mistakes is just a normal and healthy part of life. (If I go by the number of mistakes I make, I'm extremely successful at life.)

- Jeremiah

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