On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 07:51:59PM -0500, Tom wrote:
> Axel Thimm wrote:
> >On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 09:17:07AM -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> >
> >>The ugly:
> >>1. Not a lot of people are going the x86_64 route.  If you're planning
> >>on using Fedora Core 3, expect problems.  Lots of problems.  You may
> >>want to consider Gentoo.  So I'd recommend compiling myth and going with
> >>CVS.
> >
> >
> >Why do you expect more problems with FC3? In fact all FCx builds at
> >ATrpms are made on FC3/x86_64 dual opterons, so there are people using
> >x86_64. :)
> >
> >Did you try the ATrpms x86_64 CVS builds?
> Axel,
>  Sorry for replying off-list, but I didn't want to bug others with 
> stuff that's been hashed over many times, stuff that I simply don't 
> understand. I don't expect a tutorial from a busy guy like yourself, but 
> maybe you can help me with some things.
> 1. If I am running an x86_64 opteron system, do I install FC3 with 
> multi-lib support? Since Myth-Tv is 32 bit, wouldn't I need multi-lib 
> for that, or am I not understanding what multi-lib means?

you understand correct, but who sais mythtv is limited to 32 bits?
ATrpms happily ships 64 bits, too (although there are some 64 bit bugs

> 2. If I use multi-lib, I cannot use apt, correct?


> Isn't yum broken for this as well?

No, yum is broken in some aspects but not specific to 64 bits or

> Does this mean I have to compile on my own?

No, you can use yum or smart and if the resolver fails help with
manually specifying the packages. And if all else fails download and
install manually. still easier than building your own.

> Not that I have a huge problem with that, but I'm not savvy enough
> to figure out what goes wrong when compiling on my own.
> 3. I have never used and don't really get CVS. Is there a good howto or 
> newbie tutorial out there for understanding CVS and how they apply to 
> something like Myth-Tv?

Probably too many tutorials to name one. I'd check out molly's page,
if it still exists, or simply http://www.google.com/search?q=cvs+howto

> You may recall I've emailed you a couple of time regarding x86_64. I'm 
> sitting here with about $1500 in hardware that isn't doing anything, and 
>  I'd really like to get myth going on it, so ANY help or pointers you 
> can give would be appreciated.

The best help and pointers are gathered on the lists I guess.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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