I've had my mythtv setup running solidy for nearly a year now with
FC1.  I decided to upgrade my hard drive and the OS at the same time. 
I've installed FC3 with the 2.6.10-1.741_FC3 kernel.  I used apt-get
and Jarod's guide.

The problem is that I'm seeing a prebuffering pause ever 2-3 seconds
while watching live or recorded TV.  I've searched the lists and tried
everything I can think of.  I've verified that DMA is enabled on my
hard drive.  I've tried switching between 16 bit and 24 bit color
depths.  I've added and changed the NvAGP option in my xorg.conf. 
I've tried different Nvidia drivers.  Nothing seems to have an effect.
 While watching live TV, X and mythfrontend together are taking
between 95-100% of my CPU.  With the same hardware and FC1, I could
record two simultaneous programs while watching a third with about 30%
CPU utilization.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.  I'm fairly new at this,
so please let me know what other information would be useful.  Here
are my hardware specs:

Chaintech Nvidia GeForce4 MX440
PVR350 (not using TV out)
SB Live Sound Card

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